Monday, April 05, 2010


This story is about a girl who lost her self-respect, for someone she thought she had to impress. It takes place on a hot summer's day, when she was painting the cupboards on her kitchen wall. The narrator talks about how she was thinking about a guy named Allen whom she really liked. Allen however, happened to be married and had two kids. Due to the summer heat, she takes of her blouse and continues painting; as she does this her mother walks into the room and orders her to put her blouse back on because Allen was soon to arrive with the bread.. She ignored her mother's comment and continues painting; her mother gives her one last warning and steps out of the house to get groceries. As her mother leaves she thinks of a plan, to get Allen to like her the way she liked him. She starts taking off most of her clothing and continues painting, as she does this Allen opens the door to bring in the bread. He suddenly sees her, and walks out as soon as possible with the bread shocked in what he had seen. Disappointed in his reaction, the girl becomes upset and puts her clothes back on herself. She doesn't realize the value of self-respect and embarrasses herself in front of the man that she really cared about. After the scene was over, her mom walks in and finds her daughter buttoning up her shirt and questions her. She then figured out what had happened and explained how it’s wrong to like someone that’s married with kids. Also how a girl should value, herself for one man when she is older to understand love and the consequences of it. After the mother talks to her daughter she runs out past the gas station and thinks about what she had done and how little careless things, can change a lot of serious things.


  1. if you were in her position, what would you have done differently?

  2. If you liked a guy and he was coming to your house, what would you have done if you were in her place?

  3. Do you think the girl has learned her lesson?

  4. Navi - If I was put in her position, rather then reacting instantly; i'd take the time to personally think about my scenario. I would sincerly consider the man married with kids position and where this would further too. Afterwards, handling it in a respective, mature way and talking to him normally.

    Rabia - If I really did like the guy, and he was coming to my place, I would still respect myself and try to please him in a mannerly way.

    Lory - Yes, I feel as the girl really did learn her lesson, because once her mom has lectured her, she had taken to time on her own to get away and think about what she has done, and what she gained and lost from doing it.

  5. overall, what do you think the theme of this story is?

  6. Overall, I think the theme is to not to get so overwhemled by others, and always havea strong dignity. Also, self-respect being one of the biggest impacts on our lives.
